American Football

Upgrade your pitch maintenance

Be proud of your pitches

Whilst saving time, paint and labour

Pitch layout in minutes, not hours

Whether you’re an elite travel club, university squad or a professional team, top-tier facilities reflect top-tier talent.
Our TinyLineMarkers let your crews focus on what’s important.

Laying out and marking an American football pitch often requires several persons over many hours, plus re-marking the pitch also requires a lot of time and is often required even if the fields are not being used. If the pitches are not re-marked regularly, the lines will disappear completely and the pitches will have to be measured out again from scratch. The TinyLineMarker can drastically reduce this time consuming process. From 4 people working 20 hours to just 1 person in 2.5 hours. That’s 17.5 hours saved in manual labour, almost one full day.
Laying out and marking an American football pitch often requires several persons over many hours, plus re-marking the pitch also requires a lot of time and is often required even if the fields are not being used. If the pitches are not re-marked regularly, the lines will disappear completely and the pitches will have to be measured out again from scratch. The TinyLineMarker can drastically reduce this time consuming process. From 4 people working 20 hours to just 1 person in 2.5 hours. That’s 17.5 hours saved in manual labour, almost one full day.

No tapes, no strings, no fuss

Our line marking robots give your crews more time to maintain the turf and handle other tasks like aerating and fertilisation, all whilst giving you perfect lines.

We will mark your first pitch for free!